How Safe Are We with Today’s ADAS?

Talking safety is easy. Claiming safer vehicles is a breeze if you don’t have to back your boasts with proof.

Silicon Catalyst, the world’s only incubator focused exclusively on semiconductor solutions, announces the first of a four part thought leadership series in 2022. Silicon Catalyst is pleased to present this series in collaboration with Junko Yoshida and Bolaji Ojo, founders of The Ojo-Yoshida Report. The two world class journalists, who have insightfully reported on technology trends for more than three decades, will moderate an honest and lively dialogue at each webinar.

Each webinar will showcase a Silicon Catalyst portfolio company alongside established leaders in the sectors in which the startups are developing technology solutions.

Now in its eighth year, the Silicon Catalyst incubator has evaluated over 600 startups worldwide and has admitted more than 45 exciting companies.

In this webinar, we share candid insights from leading thinkers and tech developers in a quest to establish clearly where the auto industry stands with sensing technologies and the perception hardware/software stack, as it relates to both driver and pedestrian safety. One of today’s key technology issues is whether carmakers can honestly tell consumers: “We’ve got you covered.” If this isn’t quite so, what is still missing?

Ojo and Yoshida have decades of experience working at leading publications, covering automotive technology – with safety as their foremost emphasis. Today, The Ojo-Yoshida Report is an independent platform, without favorites or hidden agendas. This inaugural webinar will offer a comprehensive, up-to-the-minute understanding of today’s safety and automation landscape.

Junko Yoshida, Editor-in-Chief of The Ojo-Yoshida Report
Bolaji Ojo, Publisher & Managing Editor of The Ojo-Yoshida Report

Matthew Lum, Engineering Program Manager, AAA National
David Aylor, Vice President of Active Safety Testing, The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)
Jordan Greene, Co-Founder, GM of Automotive & VP of Corporate Development, AEye, Inc.
Chuck Gershman, President & CEO, Owl Autonomous Imaging, Inc
Patrick Denny, Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Industry Expert in Automotive Imaging, Univ. of Limerick

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